The key learning area reflects the dynamic and multi-dimensional nature of health and recognises the significance of physical activity in the lives of individuals and groups in contemporary Australian society.
The key learning area provides a foundation for developing active and informed members of society, capable of managing the interactions between themselves and their social, cultural and physical environments in the pursuit of good health.
The key learning area offers students opportunities to develop knowledge, processes, skills and attitudes necessary for making informed decisions about:
promoting the health of individuals and communities;
developing concepts and skills for physical activity;
enhancing personal development.
Active engagement in physical activity is a major emphasis of the key learning area. This emphasis acknowledges the valued role of physical activity as a medium for learning by doing. It also recognises that participation in physical activity promotes health by ensuring optimal structural growth and efficient functioning of the body. Movement experiences provide opportunities for students to develop not only concepts and skills for participation in physical activity, but also for self-awareness, aesthetic appreciation, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication.
Health and Physical Education (HPE) is one of the eight Key Learning Areas of the curriculum. At Waterford West State School, HPE is integrated into everyday learning, as well as being a specialised subject. Students participate in the Smart Moves initiative on a daily basis for 30 minutes. Physical education is taught in one hour lessons to all students in Prep to Year 6. Students also have the opportunity to participate in extra curricular activities such as interschool sport and lunchtime programs run by Gobbledock Sports and Creative Dance Industries.
The sub-strands of Health and Personal Development are integrated into the classroom curriculum.